Posts. 31 Joined. 02/09/2008
02/09/2008 @ 14:27
the carling academy bristol always has good bands moving through it. x
Posts. 30 Joined. 03/09/2008
03/09/2008 @ 11:41
you can sometimes catch a good gig at the lousiana, but probably best checking out the band first on the internet as some of them are about as good as me in a band!
Posts. 31 Joined. 02/09/2008
03/09/2008 @ 12:01
lol you're not musical i take it?
Posts. 30 Joined. 03/09/2008
03/09/2008 @ 15:04
couldnt hit a note to save my life! im musically challenged!
Posts. 17 Joined. 04/09/2008
05/09/2008 @ 14:09
to be honest dude, i reckon your better off sticking to your guns and always believing 'local bands' to be the turd sandwiches that they are!