Avengers Assemble (12A)

Film Trailer

Avengers Assemble (12A)
01 King Of Devil's Island, The (Kongen Av Bastoy) (12A)

Stellan Skarsgard, Benjamin Helstad, Kristoffer Jo...

02 Lovely Molly (18)

Gretchen Lodge, Johnny Lewis, Alexandra Holden, Fi...

03 Glastonbury The Movie (In Flashback) (12A)

The Verve, Spiritualized, Omar, McKoy, Co-Creators...

04 Epic (tbc)

Amanda Seyfried, Josh Hutcherson, Colin Farrell, J...

05 Taken 2 (tbc)

Lian Neeson, Maggie Grace, Farnke Janssen

Content updated: 29/06/2012 20:06