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Latest Clubs Blog
Valentines Day at Bristol Clubs

Single? Dreading Valentines Day and the inevitable empty doormat? Don't worry, because this year it falls on a Saturday, which is without doubt the biggest clubbing night of the week. So, instead of sitting at home wondering why Cupid has stubbornly refused to strike, why not spend this Valentines Day at Bristol clubs? Sitting at home with an empty sofa is just too depressing.
One event that's sure to make you smile is the Big Green Valentines Ball at the Trinty Community Arts. There's music from Love Grocer, Mordekkers and The John E Vistic Experience as well as DJs, cabaret and prizes. Dressing up is optional …
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Latest Film Blog
Unstoppable Trailer
Films seen so far this year: 385
Films seen this week: Legend of the Guardians – The Owls of Ga'Hoole, Blue Valentine, Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow, Vampires Suck, Burroughs, The Next Three Days, Never Let Me Go, Secretariat, Biutiful, Conviction, The Mosquito Net, Armadillo, Lemmy

Superhero News
After skimming over some other snippets of superhero news in favour of the Harry Potter 2D decision in …
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Latest General Blog
Christmas events in Bristol
If, like me, you need a bit of help to get into a festive mood there are loads of Christmas events in Bristol this year.
Ice-skating, while it's not something I'm particularly good at (I'm always worried about my fingers), seems to give me the festive spirit and is one of many Christmas events in Bristol.
There's an ice-rink at the Mall in Cribbs Causeway. I love getting wrapped up in woollen scarfs and mittens and getting rosy cheeks as I desperately cling to the sides trying not to knock over any children.
I always try to get to the Enchanted Wood at the National Arboretum, but I missed it last year. If you've never been, what they do is illuminate all the trees as well as putting on carol concerts, roasted chestnuts and mulled …
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Latest Pubs & Bars Blog
Valentines Day at Bristol Bars
Heading out this Valentines Day with your loved one? It's a Saturday after all, so you can't bury your head in the sofa and pretend it's not happening. Offering up some feeble excuse that you've got work in the morning isn't going to work because, quite frankly, you haven't, unless you work on Sundays, in which case I feel bad for you.
Anyway, there are plenty of places you can while away an evening, knocking back suggestively titled cocktails and telling each other how much you love, er, each other. If you and your partner are planning to spend Valetines Day at Bristol bars why not try Hush Hush (good for the aforementioned cocktails), …
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Latest Restaurants Blog
Valentines Day at Bristol Restaurants

It's that time of year again fellas, the time when Cupid has polished his bow and is ready to strike.
Unfortunately it seems all Cupid does is strike fear, not love, into the hearts of Lotharios. Maybe they get nervous of making a mistake (I'm hoping this is the reason) and put off planning anything in the hope their girlfriends, wives, or even fiancees (are you mad?) magically forget it's happening. I can tell you now, they won't. So, if you’re planning on spending Valentines Day at Bristol restaurants, it’s time to start making notes and picking up the phone.
Of course, I'm writing about a stereotypical male, but I guess if you're reading this blog you probably fit the stereotype, …
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