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13 February 2009
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Mamma Mia (PG)

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Mamma Mia
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Reviewer BebaJ
I watched this movie last week, and Im on my way out the door to watch it again today. I loved it! so what!, if the actresses etc are too old....so what!, if some of them cant sing, or the ages dont match up. The point is....that this IS a feel good movie and the magic of ABBA in their songs gives the magic to this movie. I took my eldest niece aged 30 and my youngest niece aged 9 last time I saw it, and both loved it. Its fun, its frivolous, its what we all need in this world today...something to make us all smile...and I for one, say THANK YOU FOR THIS MOVIE! and to ABBA.....THANK YOU FOR YOUR MUSIC. Their music will live on long after Im dead and gone because it has this seemingly magical quality to it. I can not put my finger on it. Im sure that many people around the world understand what I mean. And you dont have to be a die hard ABBA fan to enjoy the magic of their music.

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs their singing
Thanks for all the joy their bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me..........
Go watch the movie, you will come out with a smile on your face.
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Reviewer Caroline29
I've seen the movie twice and I'm still making my mind up about it ... it's poorly directed, the casting is odd and doesn't really work, and whilst some of the performances are great others aren't ... but overall it is a hugely enjoyable film which is great fun and suitable for all audiences. It's cheesy and camp - as is all of Abba's music anyway - and is purely entertaining.

The casting of Amanda Seyfried is fantastic, but all of the older people are in the film are too old to be there. The Reviewer above is correct in that the women are too old for the men, but also, Amanda's character gives her age as 20, meaning that if the film was set in the present day she'd have been born in 1988. Yet the photos used in the film to convey the images of Meryl Streep's character hooking up with these guys are clearly set in the 1970s. Sorry, it might sound like a small detail, but it's so central to the film that it really doesn't make much sense.
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Reviewer Julicious
I was lucky enough to see this a week early at a charity premier. What fun !! I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to have a laugh or be cheered up. As the reviewer says, you can't help smiling. And, depending on the audience you have at your screening the closing credits could be a real hoot !!

I would, however, disagree with the comment about the perfect casting. Whilst I agree that it does work , and they are all brilliant, (Julie Walters is her usual barmy self) I do feel the female characters are played by actresses about 10 years too old for the role - especially considering the age of one of the ex-boyfriends, Colin Firth.

Poor Pierce is the weakest voice and may be in for some slating but our audience just found it something else to laugh at in what is a very funny film.

With the awful weather we're having go and see Mamma Mia and be transported to a warm, idyllic Greek isle - and don't be surprised if you end up hoping someone you know is getting married out there soon ! [I actually do, and told the bride she had to get the groom's party into their speedos and flippers for a re-enactment ! Go see the movie and see what I mean !!]
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