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The Essential Guide to Bristol
13 June 2009
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The Big Green Gathering - What is it?

What is The Big Green Gathering?
The Big Green Gathering is a 5 day camping event which is currently located in the Mendip Hills in Somerset. It has grown out of the original Green Gatherings of the 1980's and the Green Fields of Glastonbury Music Festival. It has developed organically in response to a desire from people within the green movement for a festival that was focused on Green issues. Now we have somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 people expected this year.
Staying Green is now a bigger challenge than ever.
Food and Drink
The Big Green Gathering is for people who care about health, the environment, sustainability, our children's future and life in general. It is a celebration of our natural world and our place within it. As such it is a place for enjoyment, learning and fun. Unhealthy activities are not encouraged. The only things taken in excess should be love, peace, joy, and friendship.
Getting to the Site
The Big Green Gathering is a festival with a message and a mission. We are here to show that there is another way, another vision, and a host of practical ways to make that vision a reality. We can make a difference, each of us, both through campaigning and protesting, and in our own habits and lifestyles. We are here to remind ourselves of that, to inform and inspire each other, to learn from each other, to compare our experiences and to feel our collective strength. We are here also to relax and to enjoy ourselves and to have fun!

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